Have you noticed a decrease in your trampoline's bounciness or observed thin spots or tiny holes in your trampoline mat? Is there rust on your trampoline springs? Does your trampoline net appear to be worn out? Is your trampoline frame bent?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then Operation Trampoline Replacement is a go! Whether you need to measure your trampoline mat or find the right spring size, SkyBound USA's Trampoline Measurement Guide will walk you step by step through each measurement process so that you find the right trampoline or trampoline parts.
How to Measure Your Trampoline Mat
Nothing can damper your Saturday more than realizing your trampoline mat is down for the count. We have good news though — you can replace it! All you need is a handy guide for how to measure your trampoline mat. At SkyBound USA, we've got you covered.
Trampoline Measuring Instructions
The 3 measurements we need for your trampoline replacement mat are:
- Trampoline frame size
- Number of v-rings
- Spring size
1. Measure your trampoline’s steel frame.
Find your trampoline’s diameter by measuring from one side of your frame’s outer edge to the opposite outer edge. A common mistake is to measure from where your spring's holes begin, but the edge-to-edge measurement is what you need to get the right trampoline mat size.
If you’re measuring a round trampoline, visualize it as a clock. Take two measurements — one from the 12- to 6-o’clock position and a second from the 3- to 9-o’clock position. These measurements are your frame’s approximate size.
For example, a 12' trampoline frame means you'll need a 12' trampoline mat.
An alternative method is measuring your old mat. Unhook your mat from your trampoline and lay it on a flat surface. Measure it from the end of the fabric — not including the v-rings — and use the same clock techniques as mentioned above. Mats stretch over time, so keep that in mind when shopping.
2. Count your v-rings.
You can add up your v-rings two different ways. If you have your mat, just count its v-rings. To save you from getting confused or reaching an inaccurate total, mark your starting point. If you don’t have your mat, count the number of holes on the top rails of the trampoline’s frame. Your v-ring total should match the number of springs.
3. Find your spring size.
When you measure your springs, make sure they’re off the trampoline and that you measure from hook-end to hook-end — you want to include the entire length of the spring.
Bonus tip: We recommend measuring three springs that aren’t overstretched to ensure you’re getting the same measurement. If you can slide a piece of printer paper through your springs coils, they are overstretched. With overstretched springs, you'll get an inaccurate measurement and could end up ordering the wrong replacement mat.
Congrats, now you know how to measure a trampoline! Just one more tip: Make sure you know your trampoline’s shape, round or square, for example. You’ll get some bonus points if you remember the brand too, as that’ll make the replacement process even easier.
How to Measure Your Octagonal Trampoline Mat
What if your trampoline is neither square nor round? It's not a huge deal, but your "how to" for measuring a trampoline mat will be different. Like the above steps, you'll want to measure your springs to determine their size and count up your v-rings — the difference is how you measure your trampoline's frame.
To measure your trampoline mat if it's the shape of an octagon, follow these steps:
- Find your diameter. Like a square or round trampoline, take two measurements from the outer edges of your trampoline. For an octagonal trampoline, you'll measure from the metal edge of one corner to the metal edge of the opposite corner. After marking your first measurement, take your second one. This time, your measurement should be perpendicular to your first one — if overlayed, the two would create a cross, with one vertical line and the other horizontal.
- Determine your average. Next, review your measurements and average them together. That number will be your trampoline mat's size.
- Check your totals. Even if you're sure about your measurements, it doesn't hurt to measure twice. Go ahead and re-measure your opposite corners, then re-calculate your averages, too. Once you're confident in your numbers, you're ready to search for your replacement mat and restore the fun to your backyard — plus up your hero or heroine level with your kids and their friends.
FAQs for Trampoline Mats
If you have questions about trampoline mats, Skybound USA has the answers! Here are the four most-asked questions about trampoline mats.
1. Can a trampoline mat be repaired?
It depends. For trampoline mats with less than a 2-inch tear, a repair is an option. For anything larger than 2 inches, you'll need to replace it. To repair your mat, it'll require some sewing skills. You'll also need to purchase a patch kit. Place the replacement material over the tear and use a sewing machine to adhere it — most packets will specify the stitching to use.
2. When do you need to replace your trampoline jump mats?
This answer also varies. All trampoline mats age, becoming stretched and saggy with continued use. This process, however, can take years. If you and your kids are always using your trampoline, your mat may age faster than one that's only used a few times a week. When do you know it's time to replace your mat, though? If it's delivering a real lackluster bounce, tearing with minimal effort or fraying in several areas, then it's time for a replacement.
3. Why is my trampoline mat loose and how can I tighten it?
Your trampoline's mat can be loose for a few reasons, from overstretched springs to standard bounce cords. If your trampoline is brand-new, you'll want to modify your bounce cords, but if it's no longer a spring chicken, you'll want to consider replacing the springs.
To tighten your bounce cords, turn your trampoline over and look for the knot block, which will have a bounce cord through it. Grab the cable with a pair of needle-nose pliers and loosen its overhead knot before retying it near the knot block. By moving the overhead knot closer, you tighten your mat. Repeat the process for all your bounce cords.
4. How much is a trampoline mat?
The cost of a trampoline mat varies by the size of your trampoline, as well as the quality of the mat. Many companies will also bundle the trampoline mat and its pad protector together, which also influences the price. On average, you can expect to purchase a trampoline replacement mat for between $100 and $200. The good news is the mats provide sky-high fun for a long time.
Don't see your question? No worries! Contact our team, and we'll be happy to help.
And That's How You Measure and Replace Your Trampoline Mat!
With your trampoline measured, you can now move onto replacing your trampoline mat. If you get your bounce fix from a SkyBound USA trampoline, you can find our premium mats, as well as standard trampoline mats at TrampolinePartsCenter.com.
Order yours today and get back on your trampoline!
I cannot find the correct jumping mat for my trampoline which is approximately 4yrs old. Round Frame/11’6”. Jumping May/122”. Springs/70 @ 6.5”